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Was unsere Teilnehmer sagen

"Es ist wunderschön und du bist in großartigen Händen" - Alexandra

„Es war eine transformierende Lebenserfahrung“ - Rene

"Es ist einfach so tiefgründig und erstaunlich" - Sal

"Ayahuasca House hat meine Erwartungen übertroffen" - Mark

„Das war eine lebensverändernde Erfahrung für mich“ - Kalli

"Meine Erfahrung war pure Liebe" - Sidney

69 erstaunliche Bewertungen bei Google und Zählen

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Ayahuasca House Reviews

„Es war eine erstaunliche Reise tief ins Innere“ - Alejandro

"Meine Seele wurde aufgeladen" - Brandon

"Es war monumental ... wirklich lebensverändernd" - Lauren

„Ich bin so dankbar für diese Erfahrung“ -Matt

Heilung von Antidepressiva - Julia

"Man kann die Veränderung der Menschen hier sehen" - Carlos

"Nichts als Magie ... wahre Heilung" - David

"Worte können diese Erfahrung nicht beschreiben" - Jonathan

"Es hat meine Erwartungen übertroffen... und ich hatte hohe Erwartungen" - Jeff

"Die Medizin ist unglaublich" - Nigel

"Nothing short of a miracle" - Aaron

"It's difficult to put into words what an amazing experience it's been" - Joe

"My family are very happy, very grateful" - Mirna

"It's just so profound and amazing" - Sal

"It's better than 20 years of therapy" - Gregory

"I love it... Good Experience. Great!" - Masaya

"Thank you everyone for taking good care" - Katharina

"Incredibly freeing and has released so much tension" - Josee

"The company of Sabina, Renato and the team is very valuable" - Sandra

"I can't begin to describe how amazing my experience was" - Lina

"The start of a new life. A changed life. Thank you" - Bunty

"My experience has been pure love" - Sidney

"I can't explain how wonderful my experience was" - Doobie

"One of the most amazing experiences of my life" - Jas

"Better than 10 years of meds and therapy" - AJ

"I'm very thankful with all the team, with all the leaders" - Valerie

"I'm so glad I came here. Everyone is incredible" - Seryi

"A beautiful experience. A lot of thanks" - Alan

"This is true soul healing!" - Brian

"I'm so grateful for the staff and the service they put together" - Jami

"The team here is second to none! It's one big package of absolute joy" - Jack

"The team here is incredible!" - Jack

"Come to Ayahuasca House and change your life!" - Keith

"My Ayahuasca Experience was the best!" - Marieli

"I recommend it a thousand times" - Enriqueta

"And all of a sudden it makes sense and you have clarity" - Claudine

"The most rewarding 4 days of my life!" - Melissa

"You rediscover yourself!" - Nico

"My experience here was truly life changing!" - Salvatore

"Wow! It was really good!" - Kyle

"The experience was life changing. Amazing!" - Eddie

"The best experience of my life!" - Mauricio

"It was so worth it!" - Claudia

"Ayahuasca House made me feel comfortable" - Syed

"A very warm place where the staff really cared!" - Jeremy

"You can get decades of therapy in a night!" - Marcus

"I couldn't have chosen a better place to live this experience!" - Esteban

"I was born again. I'm a new man!" - Leon

"The freedom this process allows" - Oliver

''Ayahuasca House exceeded my expectations'' - Mark

''A really extraordinary experience'' - Chad

"You Couldn't Be Better Taken Care Of" - Hea Won

"Just say yes, do it, and your expectations will be exceeded" - Chris

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